Salesforce & SharePoint Integration – A Combination To Enhance Business Processes

Salesforce SharePoint Integration – Salesforce is the world’s #1 cloud-based CRM giant offering comprehensive CRM solutions to millions of leading brands across the globe. However, when it comes to document management, Salesforce was not exclusively designed to be a Content Management platform. Instead, it is an integrated CRM solution that gives all your departments, including…

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How To Connect Your Entire Non-Profit With Salesforce For Nonprofits?

Salesforce for Nonprofits provides a comprehensive and unified view of almost every interaction that occurs between clients, members, funders, volunteers, supporters and affiliates that are associated with your organization. It can be of immense use for you when it comes to offering improved programs and services followed by enhanced engagement and strengthening of your community….

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Bringing the best of both worlds – AMS 360 Integration with Salesforce

AMS 360 Integration with Salesforce – Insurance is linked with everyone in some way or the other, be it personal insurance, property insurance, automobile insurance, etc. This gives you a fair idea of the customer base and data volume the industry possesses and needs to process. Within this industry, the Property and Casualty Insurance companies play…

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How to de-stress your support agent by improving collaboration with the product team?

Customer support agents are always on an expedition to find the right information. But the lack of proper tools/resource and the lack of collaboration with other teams doesn’t allow them to reach their goals. Since most organizations use multiple tools to collaborate & exchange information within departments, signing in to each knowledge source and extract…

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