Salesforce Winter ’17 Release

Well email notification from Salesforce has landed in my inbox about Winter’17 Release. Some pointers:

  1. Salesforce Org will be upgraded to new version within a month.
  2. The five minute window for upgrade can be found here: However you need to know where your instance is located. It can be found by login to Salesforce and check the URL. For example after login to my Salesforce dev org, the URL begins with ap2 ( I have to click on AP2 on instances page. On Details page it show Maintenance Calendar for September. However If I select October in Month Dropdown, Date 15 cell shows text “Release” on it. On clicking on cell, I can see more details on the right side: Winter ’17 Major Release18:00 – 18:05 UTC

    CS50, CS60, CS43, AP2, CS1, CS8, CS10, CS16, CS18, CS24, CS22

    This instance will not be available during this maintenance window. You can find info for your instance similarly.

  3. The instance will be down during above 5 minute window. Salesforce will notify you about this.
  4. As per reminder the upgrade is only applicable to Production Instances. For other instances check:

Will keep you posted about new feature soon.