Jun 27, 2024
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Metadata Components That Needs To Be Deployed Manually In Salesforce

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Hi All,

When you want to deploy changes from one Salesforce org to another, you can choose any of the following:

  • Change Sets
  • Force.com Migration Tool (ANT based)
  • Force.com IDE
  • 3rd Party AppExchange Product

All these tools use Metadata API to extract and deploy changes.

But not all the configurations are available through metadata API and you need to be manually created in the target Salesforce org.. So here’s a List of those

  • Account Teams
  • Activity Button Overrides
  • Analytic Settings
  • Auto-number on Customizable Standard Fields
  • Campaign Influences
  • Case Contact Roles
  • Case Feed Layouts
  • Case Team Roles
  • Console Layouts
  • Currency Exchange Rates
  • Data Category Visibility Settings
  • Delegated Administration
  • Divisions
  • Email Services
  • Fiscal Year
  • HTML Document and Attachment Settings
  • Lead Settings
  • Mail Merge Templates
  • Mobile Administration
  • Mobile Users and Devices
  • Offline Briefcase Configurations
  • Opportunity Big Deal Alerts
  • Opportunity Update Reminders
  • Organization Wide Email Addresses
  • Partner Management
  • Predefined Case Teams
  • Product Schedule Setup
  • Public and Resource Calendars
  • Quote Templates
  • Salesforce to Salesforce
  • Standard fields except for Picklist and Lookup fields
  • Search Settings
  • Self-Service Portal Font and Colors
  • Self-Service Portal Settings
  • Self-Service Portal Users
  • Self-Service Public Solutions
  • Self-Service Web-to-Case
  • Sharing Organization Wide Defaults
  • Site.com
  • Social Account/Contact Settings
  • Solution Categories
  • Solution Settings
  • Tag Settings
  • Territory Assignment Rules
  • User Interface Settings (except calendar features, which are supported in Activities Settings)
  • Web Links on Person Account Page Layouts
  • Web-to-Lead


Happy Salesforce!

Reference : https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_meta.meta/api_meta/meta_unsupported_types.htm

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Ramya Singh

Ramya Singh isn't your average tech blogger. Sure, she's got the brains to understand the latest algorithms and the jargon to explain them in plain English. But she's also got a twinkle in her eye and a way of weaving technology into the fabric of everyday life that makes it nothing short of fascinating. Whether she's reviewing the latest smartphone, exploring the potential of virtual reality, or delving into the ethical implications of artificial intelligence, Ramya does it with a contagious enthusiasm that makes you want to learn more, do more, and be a part of the exciting world of tech. So, if you're looking for a tech blog that's informative, inspiring, and just plain fun, follow Ramya Singh. She'll take you on a journey through the ever-evolving landscape of technology, and you might just find yourself a little bit more tech-savvy (and a lot more excited) along the way.