Jan 15, 2025
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Use of Database.Statefull in Batch Apex when aggregating values for large data

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We often came across situations in apex where we are required to calculate aggregate data but we have a limitation of 50000 records at a time so for these situations, we can use Batch apex and to aggregate data, we can take help by using Database. Stateful. Database.Statefull is used in batch apex to aggregate data irrespective of batch size ie.how many records are being traversed at a time in the list of scope for apex. Example of database.statefull is as follows:

global class exampleForStateful implements Database.Batchable, Database.Stateful{ 
    global map<String,set> userIdVsListOfAccountIds = new map<string,set>();
    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
        String query = ‘select id,variable1,variable2,variable3 from account where variable1 !=null’;
        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List scope){
        for(account obj: scope){
                system.debug(‘In Loop’);
                set relatedAccountIds = new set();
                if(userIdVsListOfAccountIds.keyset().contains(obj.variable1)) {
                    relatedAccountIds = userIdVsListOfAccountIds.get(obj.variable1); relatedAccountIds.add(obj.id); 
                else {
                    relatedAccountIds.add(obj.id); userIdVsListOfAccountIds.put(obj.variable1,relatedAccountIds);

    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
        /*userIdVsListOfAccountIds : this map now contains all the records irrespective of batch size if database.stateful is not used then we will not get the complete map with all data but will get data as per no. of times execute method is called.*/ 

In this code, if we want to make a complete map of variable1 V/s set<id> for all related accounts then the use of database.stateful we help in this scenario.Here the map contains a map of all variable1 and its related account Ids in sets and here the data can be as per batch limits, not limited to 50000 records a per SOQL query. Thanks

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Ramya Singh

Ramya Singh isn't your average tech blogger. Sure, she's got the brains to understand the latest algorithms and the jargon to explain them in plain English. But she's also got a twinkle in her eye and a way of weaving technology into the fabric of everyday life that makes it nothing short of fascinating. Whether she's reviewing the latest smartphone, exploring the potential of virtual reality, or delving into the ethical implications of artificial intelligence, Ramya does it with a contagious enthusiasm that makes you want to learn more, do more, and be a part of the exciting world of tech. So, if you're looking for a tech blog that's informative, inspiring, and just plain fun, follow Ramya Singh. She'll take you on a journey through the ever-evolving landscape of technology, and you might just find yourself a little bit more tech-savvy (and a lot more excited) along the way.