Sep 30, 2024
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Integrate email with Salesforce and overcome daily limitations of email usage in Salesforce.

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If you’re using Salesforce and want to run a comprehensive email marketing campaign, it’s likely that you’re going to eventually run into its limits. Salesforce is an excellent customer relationship management suite and has many advanced features, such as lead scoring and campaign management. However, Salesforce mass emailing has some limitations that can make it difficult to run larger, more detailed email marketing campaigns. For those who want to be able to run a complete email marketing campaign, it’s often better to integrate an application such as

OvercomeDailyLimitationsSalesforceWhat Are the Limitations of Salesforce Email Marketing?

MassMailer provides full Salesforce integration for mass email marketing campaigns. This complete Salesforce integration is useful when working around the traditional limitations of Salesforce email marketing. The Salesforce CRM marketing and email solution limits emails to 25 MB of size total and only allows for 5,000 emails per day. For campaigns of a larger size, the Salesforce marketing email app will not work alone. Mass email campaigns instead need to be augmented with advanced technologies like MassMailer. MassMailer integrates directly with Salesforce’s contact list and Salesforce’s documents, streamlining marketing operations and making it easier to manage mass email campaigns.

In addition to the limit of 5,000 external email addresses, single emails can only be addressed to up to 100 recipients. Mass emails are also limited to only contacts, accounts, leads, and an organization’s internal users, which means that external mass email lists are not allowed.

How Can You Integrate Email With Salesforce?

Salesforce mass emailing services are useful because they connect with all of the features of the CRM, which includes lead generation and lead scoring. But Salesforce mass email programs are capped with certain limitations, as Salesforce does not provide the resources necessary to conduct large-scale mass email campaigns. Consequently, business owners may find that they have everything they need for a Salesforce bulk email campaign but they are hitting the daily limitations of the system. From there, all they can do is pay for additional document storage and send their emails 5,000 at a time. For larger automated email lists, this can be detrimental.

MassMailer takes care of everything for an organization by automatically pulling data directly from Salesforce. MassMailer works with the data that is already in Salesforce to send out and makes it easy to monitor the results of the campaigns. MassMailer provides for unlimited emails, which sends emails both beyond per day limits and beyond batch limits. File attachments can be linked with advanced features, such as the ability to add an expiration date to materials that may be time-sensitive.

Through MassMailer, organizations are able to take advantage of Salesforce CRM campaigns and Salesforce campaign management without having to adhere to the Salesforce daily limitations. Companies can both take advantage of the Salesforce email-to-lead-generation system while still being able to utilize the additional resources provided by MassMailer. If you’re interested in upgrading your Salesforce email software and augmenting your Salesforce bulk email services, download MassMailer today.

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Expertise: Global Macroeconomics, Business Strategy, Emerging Markets Bio: Rajeev Sharma is a seasoned investment strategist with over two decades of experience navigating the ever-evolving global market landscape. A veteran of Wall Street and a sought-after advisor to Fortune 500 companies, Rajeev brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to TheStarBizNews. His insightful analyses of global economic trends, coupled with his keen understanding of regional specificities, provide invaluable guidance for businesses and investors alike. Fluent in four languages and a frequent speaker at international conferences, Rajeev brings a cosmopolitan flair to his writing, drawing connections between seemingly disparate events to paint a clear picture of the interconnected world we live in.