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How Salesforce Integration Differentiates You from Your Competitors?

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In our day and age, where customer centricity holds the key to profitability, organizations that had perfected the art of compartmentalizing systems need to wake up and smell the coffee.

With the growth of cloud-based applications and SaaS, integration is becoming the new norm, not for just large but also for small and mid-sized businesses. Scattered data and applications functioning in silos are a breeding ground for errors and disorder. It not only compromises efficiency and quality, but also operational consistency.

Tying your systems together is the only way forward. And to do that, integration using Salesforce can be your best bet to turn complexity into opportunity. Salesforce offers a collaborative, synchronized experience that knocks down IT obstacles and enables systems to talk to each other while streamlining the flow of data. Here’s why Salesforce integration would be just what the doctor ordered for your business.

Amplify Engagement with Customer Insights
Though enterprises always knew the real power was with the customer, they are now even more conscious about leaving any loose ends when it comes to engaging them. The enterprises want to create genuine relationships with customers, fix their issues, and surpass their expectations; in short, do everything in reach to get closer to them.
For this, organizations can effortlessly integrate customer-centric platforms like MS Dynamics and NetSuite with Salesforce, in addition to internal customer databases. This also lets them lay their hands on advanced reports on how customers are taking to their services or products. This, in turn, enables account managers to take suitable action depending on the intensity of usage and liking of their products or services.

‘So Long’ to All Kinds of Complexities
As an enterprise, you’ll eventually expand, which means your processes and systems would grow bigger. Data will change hands more often, where the analysis of a similar kind of data will be done by diverse teams. A case in point can be a manufacturer giving a time-limited warranty and money back guarantee for a product. The details relevant to the product will be the date of purchase, the expiry of warranty, and the grounds of restoring the purchaser’s money. This data will be needed by the customer representative who does the first level assessment of the customer’s claim, the product team who’d like to comprehend the cause behind returning the product, and the finance team who’ll make sure the money is restored to the customer. Even for a case as simple as this, Salesforce integration with your on-premise ERP application will make sure there are no letups in consistency, accuracy, nor speed pertaining to the information being delivered to all the departments.

Time, Expense and Data Democracy: No Longer a Worry
Let’s say the business requires some specific data from the application. Now, if the IT department says it’s on some enclosed system, the task to get hold of the data quickly will be challenging to say the least. So now what? Typically, the business user would drop the idea of retrieving the data. Salesforce integration aims at shaving down these hurdles that increase time-consumption or inflates costs. It facilitates data democracy by making data available to anyone when needed. Salesforce API integration allows multitudes of data sources to connect in a real-time environment. Even if it’s external data, it can still be made accessible with Salesforce 1 Lightning Connect.

Coherent Integration Across Multiple Sites
Synchronization and streamlining is undoubtedly the chief aim of an integration process. Whether you’re functioning within a limited number of applications (like running integration between Salesforce and Magento) or carrying out integration across multiple platforms (like Salesforce, NET Suite, Marketo, SAP, and SQL database), with an iPad you can integrate all of them. Moreover, your systems might serve employees in different cities, countries, or continents. For instance, if you need your HR data from multiple locations (such as payroll, employees’ attendance, and incentives) sent for processing to a particular location, Salesforce will help you streamline this business function.

Final Thoughts
Many applications used today are not fit to connect with each other by default. They perform different business functions and store different sets of data. At its core, integration is a business decision that holds the key to creating a significant impact on enterprise performance, growth, and customer relations. A sound integration strategy begins with comprehending the scope, IT environment, requirements, resources at disposal, existing applications, as well as tools required to accomplish the integration task. If you’re seeing the need to streamline your business processes for achieving greater levels of efficiency, Salesforce integration might be just what you’re looking for.

Ready to get ahead of your competitors? Talk to Us! Drop us a line at hello@keynodesolutions.com or call us at 1–833–539–6633. We’ll be happy to boost your success with Salesforce Integration.


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Expertise: Global Macroeconomics, Business Strategy, Emerging Markets Bio: Rajeev Sharma is a seasoned investment strategist with over two decades of experience navigating the ever-evolving global market landscape. A veteran of Wall Street and a sought-after advisor to Fortune 500 companies, Rajeev brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to TheStarBizNews. His insightful analyses of global economic trends, coupled with his keen understanding of regional specificities, provide invaluable guidance for businesses and investors alike. Fluent in four languages and a frequent speaker at international conferences, Rajeev brings a cosmopolitan flair to his writing, drawing connections between seemingly disparate events to paint a clear picture of the interconnected world we live in.